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Épisode 1 - L'attachement

Depuis quelques années, j’ai compris l’importance du rôle de nos stratégies d’attachement dans nos comportements en relations. Cet épisode vous introduit à la théorie de l’attachement et vous explique pourquoi, sa compréhension et son implication dans nos vies personnelles et professionnelles, sont devenues des incontournables dans nos difficultés en relation.

Épisode 2 - L'attachement Évitant

Our clients include many of the world’s best-performing and most admired companies, law firms, and industry organizations as well as United States and international regulatory and government agencies.

Épisode 3 - L'attachement Anxieux-Ambivalent

Our clients include many of the world’s best-performing and most admired companies, law firms, and industry organizations as well as United States and international regulatory and government agencies.

Épisode 4 - L'attachement Sécure

Our clients include many of the world’s best-performing and most admired companies, law firms, and industry organizations as well as United States and international regulatory and government agencies.

Épisode 5 - L'attachement dans le couple

Our clients include many of the world’s best-performing and most admired companies, law firms, and industry organizations as well as United States and international regulatory and government agencies.

Épisode 6 - L'attachement chez les enfants

Our clients include many of the world’s best-performing and most admired companies, law firms, and industry organizations as well as United States and international regulatory and government agencies.

Épisode 7 - L'attachement chez les adolescents

Our clients include many of the world’s best-performing and most admired companies, law firms, and industry organizations as well as United States and international regulatory and government agencies.

Épisode 8 - L'attachement et le travail

Our clients include many of the world’s best-performing and most admired companies, law firms, and industry organizations as well as United States and international regulatory and government agencies.